Be Well Utah: 5 events not to miss

By Regence
August 09, 2018
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What does it mean to “be well”? From free health screenings to interactive wellness displays, on-field activities and healthy snacks, Be Well Utah, the premier community health celebration hosted at locations across the Salt Lake Valley, invites the community to come to find out.

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More than 12,000 people are expected to attend this year’s series of events from Aug. 20-25.

Here are our top 5: 

  1. Find healthy snacks at the Farmers Market
    Join us for the Be Well Utah Farmers Market at the Regence offices on Cottonwood Parkway, in our front parking area. Stop by after lunch for a variety of healthy treats, including baked goods, fresh produce and artisan salads. You can even pick up some natural skin-care products.

  2. Run a heart-pounding 5K or enjoy a 1-mile walk
    Get your heart pumping with a free timed 5K or a 1-mile walk around University of Utah’s beautiful campus. No matter your fitness level, the Be Well Walk and Run is an event for the whole family. Plus, registrants get a free T-shirt for taking part.

  3. Check out more than 60 exhibitors at the Family Health Fair
    The premier Be Well Utah event, The Family Health Fair at Rice Eccles Stadium, has something for the whole family. Adults can see healthy cooking demonstrations and take advantage of free glucose and blood pressure exams, as well as cholesterol and vision screening. Kids can head out to play some basketball on the Jazz Sport Court, and the Utah Jazz will be doing a meet and greet with families. The AirMed helicopter will be on site, as will local emergency vehicles and much more. 

  4. Explore  bicycle rodeos to magic shows at South Jordan Family Night 
    The South Jordan Family Night offers a host of activities for all ages. Show off your cycling skills at the bicycle rodeo, check out a magician, get a free bike helmet and bike fitting, test your agility on the obstacle course and much more. Adults can learn about ATV/OHV safety, get wellness screenings, and show the kids you can still beat them in a running speed test.

  5. Wander from cooking demos to the dunk tank at Farmington Family Night
    At the Farmington Family Night, there is plenty to do and see. Try to “Dunk-a-Doc” in a tank of water, see how fast you can pitch a baseball with Strike Out Stroke, climb onto local emergency vehicles and much more. Adults can watch healthy cooking demonstrations, learn about the virtual visit's program and get information about the new Children’s hiking program. 

Be Well Utah is presented by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah and University of Utah Health Care and sponsored by several other local health-focused agencies, foundations and companies.

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Join us Aug. 20-25 for these events and more. Check out the full schedule of events at the Be Well Utah Website.
