Bridge Meadows takes unique approach to providing stable homes for kids with support from Regence

Children crave stability and structure. Unfortunately, for children in foster care those attributes are often absent. Frequently these children are shuttled from one foster home setting to another, where they can easily suffer from depression and anxiety due to their unstable living situation. Without a strong parental support system in place and an ever-changing sense of community, these children often have difficultly establishing personal relationships.
May is National Foster Care Month and we’d like to highlight the great work being done by Bridge Meadows, which Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon has supported since it began in 2004. Bridge Meadows, which began welcoming people home in 2011, brings together three different generations to build innovative, transformative communities that help support foster children, adoptive families and elders. By combining community and social purpose into a built-in support system, Bridge Meadows helps cultivate stability for families. Through this model, foster children have permanent homes and trusting relationships with the adults in their lives, leading to improved socialization and academic performance. Adoptive parents gain invaluable support from their neighbors, and the elders in the community add meaning, purpose and connection in their lives, helping them to live more vibrantly.
“Bridge Meadows’ approach – to help change the life-trajectory of three vulnerable populations is innovative and addressing challenges upstream - exactly the kind of thing Regence looks for in a nonprofit partnership,” said Alison Arella, manager of Corporate Social Responsibility, Regence. “Their ability to transform entire communities and strengthen the health and wellness of the foster children, parents and the elders who support them aligns perfectly with our values.”
Another organization that Regence partners with, New Avenues for Youth, has recently joined forces with Bridge Meadows to create a new community called New Meadows. This new housing community was designed to help youth transition out of the foster care system. The new community housing model will be located in North Portland and will be just a block away from Bridge Meadows.