Celebrating its second year serving Deschutes County with Medicare coverage, Regence visits local Oregon podcast to discuss 2021 plans and benefits

By Regence
November 17, 2020
Dara Smith Bancorp Insurance Talk Oregon podcasat

Bancorp Insurance Talk podcast explores new benefit offerings available to Regence Medicare members

Dara Smith, who oversees Regence’s Medicare product and sales, recently visited with Bancorp Insurance in Deschutes County, Ore., to talk about 2021 Regence Medicare offerings. The ‘Insurance Talk’ podcast explores high-quality, cost-effective benefits that help Regence members maintain and improve their health, including:

  • Fresh and healthy meal options delivered to a members’ homes through Mom’s Meals**, including meals to manage specific health conditions like diabetes.
  • Virtual support through Papa Pals** to provide companionship and assistance with everyday tasks such as grocery shopping, pharmacy pickup and technology support.
  • Prescription drug copays as low as $0 for preferred generic drugs, and discounted copays for three-month supplies on generic and preferred brand medications.
  • $0 copay for preventative dental, routine vision and hearing exams—this includes hearing aid coverage and a vision hardware allowance.
  • A Medicare Advantage plan designed specifically for Oregon veterans, called Regence Valiance, that provides additional benefits and coverage that complement VA benefits.

For Medicare coverage starting Jan. 1, 2021, Oregonians have a wide range of options for health plans and benefits. Those eligible for Medicare can enroll in a new plan during the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) annual election period (AEP), Oct. 15 through Dec. 7*.

Regence has been serving Oregonians’ health plan needs for nearly 80 years, expanding to provide Deschutes County residents with Medicare coverage and benefits in 2020. Given the number of Medicare plans available, finding the one that best meets personal care needs, budgets and lifestyles can be overwhelming. One way to better understand Medicare health plan options is to work with an experienced insurance agent, as well as organizations like Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) for resources and support.

Click here to listen to listen to the podcast or read the transcript. Those interested in learning more about Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon’s Medicare coverage options for 2021 can visit regence.com/medicare.

*Those enrolled in Medicare can sign up or switch to a Medicare Advantage plan during Medicare’s annual election period (AEP) that runs Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 each year with a Jan. 1 coverage effective date.

**These benefits require pre-qualification and member must have one or more medically complex chronic conditions.

Regence is an HMO/PPO/PDP plan with a Medicare contract.  Enrollment in Regence depends on contract renewal. Other providers are available in our network.

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