Genetic testing: what you need to know

Genetic tests are medical tests performed on a patient’s blood or other tissue to find genetic condition. Genetic panels test for multiple mutations within one or more genes at a time. These tests are used to identify a genetic condition or estimate the likelihood of someone developing a condition or passing on a genetic disorder. Many genetic panel tests are not standardized and not subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
Regence does not cover services that have not been shown to improve overall health outcomes. We do not want our members to feel pressured into getting unproven tests. These tests can cause undue emotional stress and result in unnecessary follow-up testing, which may in turn cause risk or harm.
Such tests also can cause needless expense for our members, as some doctors will seek to have patients pay for tests that Regence doesn’t cover.
We are here to support our members. You can read more about genetic testing at