“I hope they know how much we care” – Why Regence participates in Twin County United Way’s Day of Caring

Children can experience 10 types of childhood trauma: things like verbal abuse, neglect, and the incarceration of a family member. “Our kids have experienced all 10,” said Hy’D Andrews, director of development and operations at the Northwest Children’s Home, a nonprofit residential center for abused and neglected children and youth. The more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) a child has, the more likely they are to experience mental issues, chronic disease and other risk factors into adulthood.
Andrews spoke to more than 50 Regence volunteers on a warm May morning as they prepared to help landscape, garden, and paint as part of the Twin County United Way’s annual Day of Caring—the largest organized volunteer event in the Lewiston-Clarkson region.
“I hope these kids see that there are people in the community that care about them” said Gary Hardin, a Lewiston-based Regence employee. Hardin and other volunteers broke a sweat digging and planting, while others painted words of encouragement on cement staircases across campus.

Strong. Inspire. Understanding. Therapists at the Children’s Home recently asked residents to submit words that were positive or encouraging to them. “Now every day, these girls will walk up these steps and will see these words of encouragement,” said Andrews.
23 years strong
More than 400 people participated in this year’s Day of Caring, volunteering the equivalent of 150 eight-hour workdays. Regence has partnered with the Twin County United Way for more than 10 years; this is the second consecutive year they have supported the Day of Caring.
“This is one of those days that highlights the spirit of the Lewiston-Clarkson community,” said Dave Pankey, director of underwriting at Regence BlueShield of Idaho. “We have a close-knit community that looks out for its own and takes care of people.”
Learn more about the Northwest Children’s Home at http://northwestchildrenshome.org/, and about Twin County United Way at https://tcuw.org.