Improving quality and outcomes while reducing costs
If you boil down our mission into its simplest form, everything we do at Regence drives toward achieving three objectives that we call the Triple Aim:
- Improve the quality of care
- Produce better patient outcomes
- Reduce costs
One key way we work to achieve these objectives is through proactive programs that help us deliver more effective and efficient health services to our members. These programs can range from suggesting more affordable generic drugs to a checks and balances approval system that helps members avoid ineffective and sometimes potentially dangerous spinal fusion surgery for back pain.
The savings these efforts yield are significant: Last year, new quality improvement and cost containment initiatives saved Regence Oregon members $37.7 million. As a nonprofit organization that is not beholden to shareholders, this is money that we reinvest into program enhancements to help improve our member experience.
You can learn more about our efforts to increase the quality of care and reduce costs in a new Regence white paper outlining our initiatives in Oregon called “Advancing High Quality, Affordable Care (PDF file).”