Journi® wellness consultant shares healthy snacking tips with KPTV Fox 12 viewers

By Regence
March 17, 2021
healthy snacking tips

For many, snacking during the day has become the norm over traditional mealtimes, as families continue to spend more time at home, and near their kitchens. In fact, a survey conducted by Mondelez International found that 67% of people working from home preferred snacking over formal meals.

“The right time to snack is when you’re hungry,” says Hillary Lauren, a wellness consultant for Journi, a health and well-being platform offered through Regence. “Your snack shouldn’t be heavy—just enough to get you through to your next meal.”

To recognize National Nutrition Month, Hillary recently shared tips for better snacking with KPTV Fox 12’s viewers. Watch the full segment on, or check out some of Hillary’s suggestions below.

Only snack when you’re hungry. Hillary recommends that you eat a balanced meal every four hours, and plan for an afternoon snack between 3 p.m and 4 p.m. to get you through until dinner. “If you’re thirsty, have some water. If you’re bored, go for a walk. If you’re stressed, take some deep breaths,” she says.

Choose snacks that will sustain you. Hillary recommends opting for snacks like tinned sardines, olives, vegetables, nuts and fruit. She also cautions against snacks that are high in sugar, or highly processed.

healthy snacking tips food

Make your own snacks to keep snacking affordable. Hillary recommends preparing your own snacks rather than opting for pre-packaged snacks from the grocery store, which can cost more. “You can often find the exact same ingredients in the bulk section of your store and portion out your own snacks to save money,” she says.

Looking to add a new snack to your repertoire? Hillary’s chocolate avocado pudding is a healthy treat prepared with minimal ingredients in a matter of minutes. You can find the recipe, along with other helpful snacking tips, on the Journi blog.

Journi works in tandem with your Regence health insurance to help maximize and navigate your benefits. Journi is best experienced with an employer-sponsored participating health plan. If you are unsure if you are currently on a participating health plan, please reach out to your HR Benefits Team or contact Journi at

Journi is a separate and Independent company that provides health management services for Regence members. 
