Prepare your kids for a successful year with our back-to-school guide

From scheduling wellness checks to prioritizing sleep, we have tips to help your kids thrive
As summer winds down and the new school year approaches, taking time for a little planning can set the stage for your child’s success and make going back-to-school smoother for both of you. Whether your kids are excited to see their friends or nervous about getting up early, now is the time to check in on their physical health and emotional well-being.
Schedule a well-child visit
It’s important your child sees their doctor at least annually. Wellness checks are critical in early childhood to screen for developmental delays and stay current on childhood vaccinations that can prevent serious illness in the short-term and long-term impacts of diseases like polio or measles. Also, if your child needs medication during school hours, it may be necessary to get permission from a doctor so it can be administered by the school nurse. Familiarizing yourself with your school district’s medication policy will help you know what to expect.
Create healthy habits
Consider working these simple healthy habits into your child’s routine now to set them up for a successful fall:
- Get active: The CDC recommends kids ages 6 to 17 get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. Keep exercise fun with aerobic activities like running and jumping as well as climbing and push-ups to help build muscle strength.
- Eat well: Nutrition is critical for proper growth and brain development. Help your child understand how to make healthy food choices and keep healthy after-school snacks like fruits and vegetables instead of chips and cookies on hand.
- Get enough sleep: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends nine to 12 hours a night for children ages 6 to 12. Teens need nine to 10 hours. Insufficient sleep can lead to decreased performance in school and can increase your child’s risk of developing serious health conditions like diabetes, obesity and depression.
Prioritize your child’s mental health, too
With more kids facing mental health challenges, it’s important to watch for signs of anxiety or depression and get help from your child’s doctor if you are concerned. You can also sign in to your account to learn about behavioral health resources available through your health plan.

A healthier school year starts here: Get the guide
Regence medical experts have created a guide to help you keep on top of your kids’ physical and mental well-being. You can download and save the guide using the links below:
Remember: In-network preventive care, including annual physicals and most immunizations, are covered at 100% for most Regence members. Sign in to your account at or call us at the number on the back of your member ID card to explore your health plan benefits.
First published Aug. 3, 2023