Providing support for our nation's caregivers

Especially during the holidays, it’s important to take time to express gratitude for our families, friends and those who care for our loved ones in times of need. Last month was both National Family Caregiver Month and National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, but that doesn’t mean recognizing and expressing gratitude for our nation’s caregivers has to end.
Lee Spears, Program Director of Personalized Care Support and Regence BlueCross BlueShield shared Regence's perspective in “National strategy needed to help family caregivers” in the Portland Business Journal. The article outlines the essential role that caregivers play, the challenges they face and opportunities to increase support.
As of 2016, nearly 18 million Americans have stepped in to act as a caregiver for a family member, according to a report from Families Caring for an Aging America. These men and women are, unfortunately, at a much higher risk for chronic health issues and emotional stress. However, the report outlines actions the health care system can take to support our nation’s caregivers. Identifying these caregivers, reforming payment policies to include them in care delivery and increasing support are just the beginning steps we can take.
Read the full article “National strategy needed to help family caregivers” in the Portland Business Journal.