‘Racing for the roses’ to support Albertina Kerr

You can feel the electricity and excitement at the starting line of Albertina Kerr’s Race for the Roses. Runners and walkers pace, stretch, jump. They do anything they can to contain themselves as they wait for the starting horn to blast. It’s one of Portland’s most iconic running races and it was a privilege for Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon to return an eighth year as presenting sponsor.
Race for the Roses is much more than just an event. It’s an opportunity to support thousands of children and adults with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges who receive care through Albertina Kerr’s programs. In honor of this year’s race, Regence contributed $10,000 to Albertina Kerr’s Crisis Psychiatric Care program where children between the ages of six and 18 receive personalized mental health care in times of intense emotional distress. These services, like so many others that Albertina Kerr offers, represent a safety net for those in our community who may have nowhere else to turn.
This year nearly 3,000 runners joined the race, raising more than $200,000 for these vital programs.
Regence’s commitment to Race for the Roses reflects our not-for-profit mission. Our members expect us to be an active corporate citizen in the communities where we serve. We embrace our responsibility to actively seek and partner with organizations that make a difference in peoples’ lives. A component of this commitment is realized through Regence’s selection of Community Partner Organizations (CPOs) in Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington each year. Through these partnerships we provide comprehensive assistance through financial grants, event support, board member involvement, volunteer support and more. Supporting organizations that enhance the health of our communities is the cornerstone of our company culture and fulfilling to our work each day.
A heartfelt thanks to Albertina Kerr for their work in the community and to the hundreds of volunteers who made Race for the Roses possible. To see photos from the event, visit the Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Facebook album.