Recognizing National Recovery Month

By Regence
September 20, 2019

September is National Recovery Month, which aims to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders. It’s an opportunity to celebrate those whose lives have been transformed by recovery, and to give hope to those who may be suffering.

Regence is dedicated to supporting the health of its members and our communities – including through journeys of recovery. Read on to learn about two recovery events we celebrated in Utah earlier this month.

Partnering with IHC through interactive opioids exhibit

A traveling augmented reality (AR) exhibit designed to raise awareness of the dangers of prescription opioids will make several stops throughout the state during the next year. The exhibit was made possible in part by a $25,000 sponsorship from Regence, in partnership with Intermountain Healthcare (IHC) and others. Its official public launch was Sept. 7 at Kiwanis Park in Provo as part of Utah County’s observance of Recovery Day. Learn more about the exhibit, including its locations, at the Use Only As Directed website.

Celebrating National Recovery Day with USARA

On Sept. 14, Utahns gathered in downtown Salt Lake City for National Recovery Day – a statewide celebration of people in recovery and the dedication of service providers who make it possible. Hosted by local nonprofit USARA (Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness), the day was one of eight events taking place throughout the state this month.

Participants gather at a National Recovery Day event, hosted by USARA.

The daylong celebration drew thousands of attendees and kicked off with a 5K race, bringing together participants in recovery, their allies and family members. Vendor exhibits, support groups and resources, speakers, and live music were also part of the celebration. Our employees joined in, running in the 5K and volunteering at the family-friendly activities taking place.

“There are thousands of Utahns who are in recovery from substance use disorders and we are raising hope and awareness that recovery and healing is possible,” said Mary Jo McMillen, Executive Director of USARA. “We are the voices of people in recovery, their family members, behavioral health and medical service providers, private and government agencies and many, many other allies.”

Regence was proud to sponsor this event and support National Recovery Day this year, as part of a larger initiative to address opioid misuse and addiction within our communities.
