Regence and St. Joseph Regional Medical Center reach agreement

By Regence
January 16, 2020
Lewiston Hill Snake River Idaho

Updated Feb. 5, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Regence BlueShield of Idaho has reached a new multi-year agreement that ensures our members can continue to receive affordable, local care from St. Joseph Regional Medical Center.

Our new contract has a retroactive start date of Jan. 15, 2020. This means that Regence members who received care from St. Joseph between that date and now will have their claims processed with in-network benefits. If you have questions about your care or coverage, please call the number on the back of your Regence member ID card or visit

We thank you for your patience and support during negotiations. Serving the Lewiston community is our privilege, and we are happy to have an agreement that allows us to continue doing so in collaboration with St. Joseph moving forward.
