Regence celebrates National Volunteer Week

By Regence
April 12, 2019
Utah Food Bank_Mobile Food Pantry 4_Salt Lake City March 5 2019_cropped

At Regence, we often say that “giving back is in our DNA” – and this couldn’t be more accurate. In 2018, our fearless volunteers dedicated more than 10,000 hours of volunteer service to nonprofit organziations across Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Utah, at a value of $247,000.

In honor of National Volunteer Week – April 7-13 this year – we recognize the efforts of our volunteers, who are dedicated to giving back to their communities.

From addressing food insecurity and other social determinants of health to supporting addiction prevention and education, the game-changing partnerships we cultivate with organizations help to enhance quality of life. Together, we are working to ensure that our communities are as healthy as the members we serve.

“The dedication, passion and energy of our Regence employee volunteers is truly inspiring,” said Alison Arella, assistant director of corporate social responsibility. “The volunteer programs we support are critical to creating long-term health of our nonprofit partners as well as the communities we serve.”

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Left: Washington volunteers paint a classroom at Vision House
Right: Idaho volunteers assist at the YWCA of Lewiston-Clarkston’s SOUPport our Shelter event

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Left: Utah volunteers support the Utah Food Bank’s Mobile Food Pantry initiative
Right: Oregon-based MLK Weekend of Service volunteers pack comfort kits

We encourage you to recognize the efforts of volunteers in your own life, this week. Follow #NationalVolunteerWeek on Twitter to read the inspiring stories of individuals who are making an impact across the county.
