Regence employee shares her story of personal resilience at the annual WA Healthy Worksite Summit

“Every single one of us has a story,” says Chera Justice of Regence’s Wellness & Safety Programs division. “Behind every story of hardship and pain is a miraculous story of resilience.”
Recently, Chera delivered a keynote presentation at the 32nd annual Healthy Worksite Summit, which took place in Lynnwood, Wash., and is the state’s largest health and worksite wellness conference. The event was presented by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Benefit Trust as well as other partner organizations—Health Promotion Research Center, American Heart Association and the Dairy Council.
In front of hundreds of experienced professionals, Chera shared her personal story of resiliency and living through some incredibly challenging life experiences. The keynote theme focused on how Chera believes work culture can reinforce and support employees to let their guards down. In her own words, “Shouldn’t our work environment be a supportive and nurturing space for us all to feel safe and secure using our authentic and vulnerable voice?”
Chera wrote a full reflection on her personal story, resiliency and the keynote experience, which is posted on her personal LinkedIn page. We also covered the event on our Regence BlueShield Twitter page.