Regence employees and Habitat for Humanity impact local communities

By Regence
May 18, 2017

In Portland it is estimated that more than 15,000 households cannot find an affordable home. Unfortunately, many additional low-income families are forced to live in inadequate, substandard housing in order to afford basic necessities. Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon regularly partners with Habitat for Humanity Portland Metro to address these pressing issues and helps create healthier living situations for those in need.

One of the underlying goals of creating a stable home environment is the impact it has on the family and the community. Having a stable home life helps break the cycle of poverty, increases graduation rates, and has a tremendous impact on personal health.

At Habitat’s 17th annual  HopeBuilder Breakfast, held recently in Portland, attendees were asked to close their eyes and answer a series of questions:

  • What do you think of as success?
  • How did you achieve those successes?
  • What did your childhood look like and how did it prepare you for success?
  • Did you have to worry about where you were going to sleep at night?

“Answering these questions made us think about how hard it is for those in difficult situations to ever reach their full potential,” shared Alison Arella, Regence’s Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility and a regular event attendee. “Most of us don’t know what it’s like to have to worry about having a roof over our heads or where our next meal is coming from. Once you consider how difficult it must be for people to survive, let alone get ahead in life, you realize how important Habitat’s work is.

Regence has partnered with Habitat for Humanity since 2013, and over 100 Oregon employees have participated in homebuilding activities. At Regence, our focus is on supporting organizations like Habitat for Humanity that promote stability for families and increase the potential for all of our community members. We are proud to play a role in advancing these efforts.
