Regence helps dedicate Mobile Teaching Kitchen in Tacoma

The roaming kitchen will address “food deserts” in Tacoma neighborhoods.
Above: Dr. Jim Polo of Regence BlueShield, and his wife, Dr. Kathy Polo; credit: Metro Parks Tacoma
Regence BlueShield, Metro Parks Tacoma and other Tacoma leaders turned out last weekend to dedicate an innovative and invaluable addition to the city: the Mobile Teaching Kitchen. Years in the making, the kitchen on wheels will offer healthy cooking classes in Tacoma neighborhoods.
Regence partnered with Metro Parks to fund the project because of the company’s commitment to the well-being of Tacoma and Pierce County residents. The Mobile Kitchen will start to address food insecurity and food inequity with classes on healthy cooking and healthy eating. It will empower families and give them tools for healthy recipes and ingredients. That in turn will lead to healthier communities.
“Regence has a long legacy and history here in Tacoma,” said Dr. Jim Polo, Executive Medical Director at Regence, at the March 7 dedication. “We’ve been here for 103 years. Today we’re one of (the city’s) largest employers, with over 500 employees. We believe in community and we believe in giving back.”
Thanks to @RegenceWA, we got to test our new 26-foot Mobile Teaching Kitchen during a dedication today at Eastside Community Center. Steak, chicken, tuna and more, and it was all healthy and delicious! Cooking classes start around the city later this spring.
— Metro Parks Tacoma (@metparkstacoma) March 7, 2020
The Mobile Teaching Kitchen will teach healthy cooking classes in Tacoma neighborhoods and it already has a busy schedule for the rest of the year. We are proud to be part of the Kitchen and thrilled to see it out in the Tacoma and Pierce County community. @metparkstacoma
— Regence BlueShield (@RegenceWA) March 7, 2020
Q13 TV also did a great story about the Mobile Teaching Kitchen dedication.
Watch full remarks below from Dr. Polo of Regence BlueShield at the event: