Regence's Angela Dowling discusses Oregon's evolving health care needs and expectations

By Regence
February 27, 2019
Medford Jackson Chamber Event_Photo

Today’s consumers expect easy, near-instant access to everything, including transportation, food and, increasingly, health care. With advancements in telehealth technology and the growing adoption of on-demand services, it’s also easier than ever for people to access care on their own terms.

Yet, even with these advancements, there is still much work to be done to improve access and affordability as well as overall health across the state of Oregon and beyond.

Earlier this month, President of Regence BlueShield of Oregon, Angela Dowling, joined the Medford/Jackson Chamber of Commerce, community members and health care advocates in an open dialogue about the health of our state and the evolution taking place within the health care industry to meet the needs of today’s consumers.

To read more about Angela’s experience at the Medford/Jackson Chamber and key takeaways from the event, read her latest LinkedIn post The State of Oregon’s Health: Takeaways from the Medford Jackson Chamber Event," or watch her brief interview with KOBI-TV’s Five on 5.

[Photo courtesy of The Chamber of Medford/Jackson County. Forum panelists (pictured from left to right): Angela Dowling, President, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon; Sarah Foster, Executive Director, Oregon Healthiest State Initiative; Craig Smullin NBC5 News Director and panel moderator; Dr. Geoff Swanson, Vice President of Population Health, Asante.]
