The need for a culture of health and productivity in the workplace

By Michael Cochran, Director of Wellness and Productivity
April 14, 2015

Back in February, we posted news here about the rollout of our new health and productivity solution: Regence 360MeSM. We’re excited about its potential and the reception it’s already receiving.

What we didn’t talk about then was the substantial market need for a solution like Regence 360Me. The fact is, traditional wellness programs just aren’t working. Chronic diseases continue to plague millions of Americans and, according to a study by the Milken Institute, cost the economy $1 trillion annually. And in the meantime, employers are shelling out thousands per employee to cover health care costs and the fallout from an unhealthy, disengaged workforce. No one’s coming out ahead.

Why aren’t traditional workplace wellness programs working? There are lots of theories. One of the biggest problems is engagement. Employees aren’t motivated to participate in check-the-box programs that focus on return on investment (ROI) and use “carrot-and-stick” incentives that may actually demotivate them. Indeed, a Gallup survey found that “engaged employees are generally healthier than their unengaged peers, have lower incidences of chronic health problems and are more likely to participate in company wellness programs.”

What does work? We believe it comes down to changing behavior—creating a culture of health and productivity from top to bottom that goes beyond ROI, focusing on value on investment (VOI) instead. Regence 360Me offers personalized, scalable solutions that meet employees and employers where they are in their understanding of and commitment to health and productivity initiatives. The result: enhanced employee well-being, better health and lower costs.

For a visual snapshot of the market forces at work and the Regence 360Me solution, take a look at our Idaho, Oregon, Utah or Washington infographic.

Regence 360Me

[1] “State of the American Workplace,” Gallup, 2013.
