Trying to quit smoking is hard enough in good times, let alone in the COVID-19 era—the ACS can help

American Cancer Society’s 2020 Great American Smokeout event encourages smokers to quit with helpful resources and support
Since 1977, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has sponsored the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday in November to encourage people who smoke cigarettes to take the first steps toward quitting. In 2020, smoking continues to negatively affect millions of Americans. More than 32 million American adults smoke cigarettes, a habit that causes nearly a half-million deaths every year, according to ACS. Today, 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also magnified the importance of improving and maintaining personal health, helping people fight illness, whether seasonal flu or a once-in-a-lifetime virus. Fortunately, the ACS Great American Smokeout website provides a wide range of resources, support and information to help people quit smoking.

Dr. Joe Badolato, executive medical director at Regence, recently spoke with ABC-affiliated television station KIVI-TV about the immediate benefits of quitting smoking. Click here to watch and learn more.

We’re here to help
Trying to quit smoking is hard enough in good times, let alone during a global pandemic. But now is also an opportunity for many people to take the first step toward smoke-free living. Many Regence health plans include smoking cessation resources and support, to use during the Great American Smokeout or year-round. Regence members can review their health plan benefits by signing in to, or by calling Regence Customer Service using the phone number on the back of their member ID card.