Volunteers of America, Utah to host virtual benefit to support vulnerable Utahns

Four nights of virtual fun will raise critical funds for those struggling with homelessness, mental illness and addiction
Next week, Utahns will have the opportunity to support their most vulnerable neighbors from the comfort of their living rooms.
Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8, Salt Lake City-based Volunteers of America, Utah (VOA) will host its 10th annual Silver Spurs fundraiser. While the western-themed event has gone virtual this year, the goal remains the same: to raise funds to support programs that aid Utahns in need, including homeless youth. New this year, guests can participate in a four-night, virtual party with themes that celebrate the best of American western culture, including line dancing lessons from fan favorite Mountain County.
“The funds raised through this four-day event will help continue to fulfill our mission to serve Utah's most vulnerable individuals, including those struggling with homelessness, mental illness and addiction,” said Geoff Doiron, chief development officer for Volunteers of America, Utah.
“We want to support as many individuals as we can this fall and winter, and we need our community to come together to help make this happen.”
Nonprofits across the country have struggled to raise funds and support in a time of immense uncertainty. Many organizations have found ways to adapt existing programs to continue meeting the most pressing needs, but still face challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Not only do we have unexpected costs with personal protective equipment for staff, clients and volunteers, but we have significant cleaning expenses as well,” said Doiron. “Our program staff has had to pivot how we serve our clients while remaining dedicated to keeping clients, volunteers and other staff members safe by closely following CDC guidelines and practicing social distancing as much as possible.”
Those interested in supporting Volunteers of America, Utah’s mission are encouraged to donate, view urgent community needs and sign up to volunteer at VOAUT.org. Tickets for the 10th annual Silver Spurs event, taking place Tuesday, Sept. 8 to Friday, Sept. 11, can be purchased online until 5 p.m. Central time on Friday, Sept. 4.

Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah and Volunteers of America, Utah celebrate three years of partnership
For the last three years, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah has proudly supported Volunteers of America, Utah. Critical funding has been directed toward the reopening of the organization’s Center for Women and Children, which provides a safe space for women to detox while caring for their children.
Regence’s Vice President of Sales, Doug Boudreaux, is a member of Volunteers of America, Utah’s board of directors and passionate advocate for the organization. In the following segment, Doug shares how he became involved and why the support of Utahns is so critical right now.

Doug Boudreaux: I first learned about VOA through Regence and our strong partnership with the nonprofit. From the very first VOA event I attended, I’ve been very impressed and have wanted to help. I was honored to be accepted on the board and am very proud of VOA’s mission.
I have heard countless stories of people who have had their lives changed because of VOA: people who were addicted to drugs and turned their lives around; teenagers living on the streets who were able to get back on their feet, thanks to VOA’s work programs; mothers who can live in treatment centers with their children and recover from addiction. It’s a powerful organization that impacts so many.
Homelessness continues to rise, and with fewer community programs to help those with mental illness, VOA is picking up a lot of the slack. They need our support more than ever!
There are many ways to get involved in VOA—volunteering at one of the centers, serving meals, or even just participating in the two large fundraisers each year—Silver Spurs, coming up in September, and the Founder’s Day Breakfast. There are many ways to give to VOA and the money is used to help those who need our help in becoming more independent.
Regence is committed to supporting our communities throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Learn more about our philanthropic efforts to support our communities.