Why Health Care Executives Should Embrace Social Media

By Regence
September 01, 2016

Only 39 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are active on social media. With most things moving towards a more digital state, more and more consumers are trading in the newspaper for the latest Tweets, Facebook posts, or LinkedIn articles posted by people they are following on social media. While this may be the case, executives remain vastly silent on these networks.

In July, Cambia Grove hosted a panel discussion with Healthfundr Managing Partner, Dave Chase (@chasedave), Medical Association CEO, Jennifer Lawrence Hanscom (@WSMA_CEO), and President of Regence BlueShield, Don Antonucci (@DonAntonucci), to discuss “Social Media for Health Executives.”

There, Don shared three tips for executives who want to hold successful social profiles:

  • Know your audience
  • Be genuine
  • Don’t be an egg (show people you are a real person)

You can read more of Don’s tips and tricks in Employee Benefit News’ “Why healthcare executives need to embrace social media.” 
