Wow...have you read the headlines lately?!?

By Angela Dowling, President, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon
August 07, 2015

Centene buying Health Net, Aetna purchasing Humana, multiple Anthem offers for Cigna, and the stories keep coming.

If you’ve read the headlines lately, you know that the health care industry is poised for transition and disruption.  Change is in the air. 

While I don’t have a crystal ball to forecast the next consolidation, what I do know is that in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, stability is a prized attribute. Employers are looking for a trusted partner to guide them through reform challenges and develop a benefits plan that supports company growth.

For almost 100 years, Regence has stood behind our members. Our job is first and foremost to provide you with access to quality care at an affordable price, backed by the power of Blue. That’s our promise: to be there when you need us most.

              Nationally, 1-in-3 Americans rely on Blue Cross Blue Shield
                                       for access to safe and affordable care

As health care continues to evolve, Regence remains solely focused on providing innovative solutions that meet your personal needs and the needs of your business. If you’re interested in learning more visit our website, contact your producer or give Regence a call at 1 (888) 344-6347. 
