LEWISTON, ID - Regence BlueShield of Idaho has chosen Community Action Partnership (CAP) as a Community Partner Organization again for 2015.  CAP will receive $50,000 in funding support to equip families and local children of Orchards Elementary School in Lewiston to reach their full potential.  This year, the project is expanding services to reach two additional Lewiston elementary schools, Whitman Elementary School and McGhee Elementary School. A check presentation will take place on Friday, April 17 at Orchards Elementary School at 3:00 p.m.

Regence community partner organizations receive comprehensive assistance through financial grants, event support, board member involvement, featured placement in an annual employee giving campaign and employee volunteer support. This integrated assistance means Regence delivers more than dollars; they leave community partner organizations in a stronger position to continue fulfilling their missions for the future.

“It’s an honor for us to work closely with local nonprofits like Community Action Partnership, who share our vision of building stronger, safer and healthier communities. We are proud to collaborate with CAP to help them serve families in Idaho with services and resources designed to help them build a brighter and more financially stable future for their children,” said Scott Kreiling, president of Regence BlueShield of Idaho.

“We are thrilled to receive another year of support from Regence BlueShield of Idaho to further this high impact approach to stabilizing families and equipping parents to move their families out of poverty.  In addition to supporting kids and parents, this funding allows CAP to continue systems change work with the Lewiston School District that will result in strong outcomes for families in poverty for years to come,” said Lisa Stoddard, Executive Director of Community Action Partnership.

Components of the project will build on Orchard Elementary’s “Leader in Me” initiative and include:

  • A summer Kindergarten Boot Camp in three elementary schools to prepare incoming kindergartners for school,

  • Bridges Out of Poverty Training Seminar and “Cost of Poverty Experience” poverty simulation for Lewiston School District faculty and staff,

  • “Leadership Day” on Friday, April 17, inviting the entire community to see the transformational work that is taking place at Orchards Elementary. 

CAP will work closely with participating families to help them set and obtain goals.  From providing resources to meet basic needs like nutrition and transportation to job retention courses, income management lessons and savings education.  Additionally, local CAP staff and community volunteers will provide friendship, encouragement, and connections for families as they work on achieving long-term goals and a brighter future for themselves.

About Community Action Partnership

Community Action Partnership’s mission is to be a catalyst for building relationships that inspire and equip people to end poverty in our community.  CAP serves Idaho’s 10 northernmost counties and also Asotin County, Wash.  CAP leads quality projects like the Future Story Initiative (formerly known as Circles®), Area Agency on Aging, Community Outreach, Energy Assistance, Housing, Nutrition Services and Weatherization. CAP is a leader for a regional collaboration called, “The Pipeline to End Poverty.”  For more information about Community Action Partnership, visit our website at www.cap4action.org or contact us at 208-746-3351 or info@cap4action.org.

About Regence BlueShield of Idaho

Regence BlueShield of Idaho, based in Lewiston, has been serving Idahoans for nearly 70 years and now provides more than 141,000 members with comprehensive health insurance solutions. As a nonprofit mutual insurance company and independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Regence is part of a family of companies dedicated to transforming health care by delivering innovative products and services that change the way consumers in Idaho and nationwide experience health care. For more information, please visit regence.com, facebook.com/regenceblueshieldofidaho or twitter.com/regenceidaho.