PORTLAND, Ore. – Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon has introduced a health insurance plan that is designed to help members achieve their best personal health while reducing costs for employers through exclusive partnerships with high quality local doctors and hospitals.
ActiveCare is built on an accountable health model. This model supports the doctors in its network to coordinate all of a member’s care to ensure they get the right treatment, at the right time and at the right facility. This collaborative care approach, including an increased focus on prevention, results in a better health care experience and improved health outcomes for members, and provides employers with the option to select and offer a plan with more affordable premiums than traditional PPO products.
“ActiveCare is an innovative plan that provides value to Oregon employers and enables their employees to receive enhanced quality care at lower costs,” said Angela Dowling, president of Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon. “We’ve already seen tremendous interest in, and several sales of, the ActiveCare product, which is another example of the unique solutions Regence is bringing to market to improve health care and address rising costs.”
In addition to covered benefits similar to Regence PPO plans, ActiveCare features include:
- Lab and Radiology Services: The first $400 in outpatient services covered at 100 percent.
- Affordable Prescriptions: $4 copay on select generic and brand-name medications for specific conditions.
- Consumer-Friendly Wellness Tools:
- Regence Advice24 nurse line for expert medical advice around the clock
- Case Management for individualized treatment plans, when necessary
- Special Beginnings® maternity management for 24/7 pregnancy support from caring professionals
- Regence Condition Manager for ongoing guidance and care to manage your chronic condition
- Regence Advantages for discounts on leading health-related products and services
- RegenceRx® for the most effective medications at the best possible prices
Each member enrolled in an ActiveCare plan may choose to select a primary care physician (PCP) within their affiliated ActiveCare provider group who will coordinate their care, including referrals to any specialists within that group to ensure the best health outcomes and lowest cost.
ActiveCare Providers
The first two provider networks available with ActiveCare are MyChoice NW (a partnership with Adventist Health and Tuality Healthcare) and Willamette Valley Health Solutions.
“MyChoice NW is excited to provide quality service to ActiveCare members. The partnership created between Adventist Health, Tuality Health Alliance and Regence allows for member-centric value and delivery of best-in-class care,” said Dorane Brower, president, Healthcare Resources NW, and executive director, Adventist Health.
ActiveCare is currently available in Washington, Multnomah, Clackamas and Yamhill counties. Additional ActiveCare networks are being added on an ongoing basis. More details about ActiveCare are available at regence.com/ActiveCare-OR.
About Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon is a leading health plan in Oregon, with nearly 750,000 members, offering health, life and dental insurance. Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, and is affiliated with Regence BlueShield of Idaho, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah and Regence BlueShield (selected counties in Washington). Together, the companies serve more than two million members in the Northwest/Intermountain Region. The Regence affiliated companies are committed to improving the health of its members and communities, and to transforming the health care system. For more information, please visit www.regence.com or www.twitter.com/RegenceOregon.