Regence has designated August a month of giving in support of the communities where employees live and work. Founded 100 years ago, on the premise of neighbor helping neighbor, the company is proud to give back in a meaningful way to support over 100 non-profits across the region.

Throughout the month of August, employees are granted four hours of paid time off to volunteer at any non-profit organization focused on improving the health of local communities throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and Texas. Additionally, any employee contribution to a cause they care about will receive a 50 percent match from the Cambia Health Foundation.

“Giving our time and resources to support organizations doing important work is something at the core of who we are as people and as a company,” said Angela Dowling, president of Regence BlueCross BlueShield and chief revenue officer. “It is fitting that we celebrate our company’s centennial by bringing together our employees and engaging with the communities we are so fortunate to serve.”

With approximately 5,000 employees, the company has organized volunteer events benefitting nearly 100 organizations in the month of August.

While there are numerous opportunities for employees to give back, a few highlights include:

  • Oregon: On August 31st, Regence is sponsoring a partnership with SOLVE and the City of Portland to remove litter from the city’s beloved Tom McCall Waterfront Park. Regence employees will join other volunteers at one of 11 different sites throughout the city on the same day to remove litter from our environment and ensure a clean and healthy Portland.
  • Washington: Habitat for Humanity of Spokane, Skagit, and Tacoma/Pierce Counties will see Regence employees helping build housing to support local area veterans and low income families. Additionally, employees will work with Mary’s Place residents by providing guest, kitchen, and donation support, and partake in Tacoma Rescue Mission’s Men’s Campus Refresh.
  • Idaho: Regence employees will be celebrating their longstanding relationship with the Idaho Food Bank by volunteering several times throughout the month of August at the brand-new Lewiston warehouse. The volunteers will be sorting and packing healthy foods to be distributed throughout the region to Idahoan families in need. 
  • Utah: United Way of Salt Lake and Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity will host Regence employees as they help pack healthy snacks, stuff buses with school supplies, and participate in Corporate Build Days. Employees also have the opportunity to participate in the Utah Food Bank’s Holiday Food Drive.

About Regence
Regence serves more than 2.4 million members through Regence BlueShield of Idaho, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah and Regence BlueShield (select counties in Washington). Each health plan is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Regence is part of a family of companies dedicated to transforming health care by delivering innovative products and services that change the way consumers nationwide experience health care. For more information, please visit