SALT LAKE CITY – Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah paid $882 million in medical care for its fully insured members in 2017, or $4,072 per member, according to unaudited figures filed March 1 with the Utah Insurance Department.
Regence spent 85 cents of every premium dollar received from members for doctor visits, hospital care, medications and other health care goods and services for its members. Total enrollment, including self-funded membership, increased by 38,429 members over the course of 2017.
On gross revenue of $1.04 billion, Regence had an underwriting gain of 3.9 percent. It had a net gain of 6.5 percent, or less than seven cents per premium dollar. This net gain was driven in large part by lower than expected claims—a trend broadly experienced across the health insurance industry—as well as by operational efficiencies and responsible cost stewardship. Over the past 10 years, Regence’s net gain has averaged 1.7 percent.
Net returns are placed in the company’s capital reserves to ensure stable health care coverage for its total membership, including self-funded enrollment, of approximately 490,000 members. As a nonprofit, this is Regence’s only source of funds for improvements, investments and paying for higher than expected medical costs such as high-cost specialty drugs.
“Regence’s stable financial results ensure that we can continue to serve our members, invest in the future and navigate industry changes,” said Jim Swayze, president of Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah. “Our 2017 results help offset recently challenging financial years, while allowing us to remain focused on creating a more person-focused and economically sustainable health care system for individuals and employers throughout the state.”
Community impact. Founded in 1944, Regence employs more than 350 people in Utah, driving more than $83 million in economic activity throughout the state every year, according to ECONorthwest. Additionally, Regence and its Utah employees contributed more than $612,000 and more than 1,600 volunteer hours to nonprofit organizations in 2017.
About Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah, based in Salt Lake City, is the state’s first health insurer and now provides more than 490,000 members with comprehensive health insurance solutions. As a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Regence is part of a family of companies dedicated to transforming health care by delivering innovative products and services that change the way consumers in Utah and nationwide experience health care. For more information, please visit,, or