Effectively helping members manage chronic conditions earns Best of Blue award
Patients with multiple chronic and complex medical conditions make up 60 to 85 percent of our nation’s health care spend each year. To better address the needs of these members, the Intensive Outpatient Care Program (IOCP) was developed collaboratively through a 2007 pilot in the Puget Sound and subsequently deployed more broadly by Regence.
The program supports a Registered Nurse Care Manager hired by clinics to care exclusively for IOCP enrollees with 24/7 access to email, telephone and in person visits. As a result of Regence’s success with IOCP, several Blue Cross Blue Shield plans and other organizations outside of Regence are integrating the IOCP model.
“We are thrilled to win this award. This program is a great example of collaboration among the Blue plans and our ability to deliver innovative care and reimbursement models to Administrative Services Only (ASO), MedAdvantage, andfully insured patients,” said Regence Chief Medical Officer Dr. Csaba Mera. “Approximately eighty percent of both health care costs and resource consumption are utilized by only twenty percent of our members. Regence continues to look for new and innovative ways to help members manage their care for better health outcomes and to streamline health care costs when appropriate.”
Primary care physicians enroll qualifying Regence members into the program. Regence provides participating clinics with the training and support they need to effectively manage the care for these members and ensure each member is progressing in self management, confidence, and taking steps toward their health goals.
“The IOCP model works because it’s a partnership between patients and an entire provider team, all working together to improve health outcomes,” said Dr. Mera. “IOCP exemplifies our commitment to connecting our members, employers, and communities to what matters most to their health. We started our IOCP journey in 2007 and are thrilled at the proliferation of this model locally and nationally.”
About Regence affiliated companies
The Regence affiliated companies serve more than two million members through Regence BlueShield of Idaho, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah and Regence BlueShield (selected counties in Washington). Each health plan is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Regence affiliated companies are committed to improving the health of its members and communities and to transforming the health care system. For more information, please visit www.regence.com or follow us on Twitter.