SALT LAKE CITY – Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah Senior Associate General Counsel Thomas Hartford is being recognized this week with the top Legal award from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Roger G. Wilson Award requires demonstration of exceptional legal scholarship and significant contributions over a long period of time.
In nominating Hartford for the award, corporate Chief Legal Officer and Senior Vice President John Attey wrote, “Thom is revered and relied upon for his expertise and historical understanding of the health insurance system and its legal governance at the federal and state levels. Even other senior attorneys with significant experience turn to Thom to understand the context of critical legal issues, the potential for compromise when there are regulatory disputes, or a solution to particularly challenging member issues.”
Attey also stated, “Thom’s knowledge of the details of his subject areas are unsurpassed. When providing legal guidance, he is likely both to answer the question and to provide advice on additional aspects of the issue that previously were unknown to the requestor. He is known for his expertise, thorough explanations, and self-deprecating humor.”
The nomination for Hartford had to undergo rigorous screening by a panel of experts. He was selected from the finalists by vote of the general counsel from all 36 Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies across the nation.
Hartford has been with BlueCross BlueShield in Utah since 1985, when he became the company’s first legal counsel. He received his Juris Doctor from Washington University School of Law in St. Louis.
About Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah, based in Salt Lake City, is the state’s first health insurer and now provides more than 490,000 members with comprehensive health insurance solutions. As a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Regence is part of a family of companies dedicated to transforming health care by delivering innovative products and services that change the way consumers in Utah and nationwide experience health care. For more information, please visit,, or