Regence Life and Health introduces two plans that are rich in benefits, low in premium

PORTLAND, OR — Now more than ever, employers are trimming health benefits to control costs, especially small businesses who are struggling to keep their bottom line healthy. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that among small businesses that don’t offer health benefits, 54 percent cited cost as the most important reason for not being able to do so. The same survey found that small firms were significantly less likely to offer dental or vision benefits that are separate from their health plan.

To help make dental and vision benefits accessible to more people, Regence Life and Health has introduced two new benefit plans that are rich in benefits and affordable in price. Express Dental FFS-10 Plan is for groups of 2 – 9 employees and covers the most commonly utilized dental services for a low monthly premium. The Voluntary Vision Plan covers everything from annual exams to laser vision correction. Both plans are guaranteed issue, making them accessible to all.  

“For many small employers, reducing or eliminating health benefits has been a painful necessity in this economy, but keeping the bottom line healthy often comes at the cost of their employees’ health. At Regence Life and Health, we are committed to protecting our members’ health by providing benefits that meet their needs at all stages of their lives, and that’s especially important during tough economic times,” said Joe Wilds, CEO for Regence Life and Health. 

Details about Express Dental FFS-10 Plan:

  • Set fees paid for the dental services that people use most.
  • No deductibles.
  • Covers two exams and cleanings per year.
  • Six-month waiting period for major services.

With voluntary plans, employees pay all or most of their premium at the less expensive group rates. The Regence Life and Health Voluntary Vision Plan covers the following:

  • Coverage allows members to see any provider they choose, but selecting a Vision Service Plan (VSP) Choice Network participating provider ensures they will get the most out of their coverage and pay less out of pocket.
  • WellVision Exam: No copay or $10 copay (employer’s choice), once every 12 months.
  • Members’ choice of glasses or contacts:
    • Prescription glasses: $25 copay
    • Elective Contact lenses: no copay
  • Extra discounts and savings:
    • Glasses and sunglasses: 20% off additional pairs of glasses and sunglasses from any participating provider within 12 months of last WellVision Exam.
    • Contacts: 15% off cost of contact les exam (fitting and evaluation).
    • Laser vision correction: average 15% off cost of the regular price or 5% off promotional price when you see a participating provider.


About Regence Life and Health

For more than 20 years, Regence Life and Health has offered quality life and disability products, dental and health plans. As a subsidiary of The Regence Group, the company is associated with the financial strength and brand recognition of the largest health insurer in the Northwest/Intermountain Region. Regence Life and Health is committed to lifetime relationships with our members and helping them through life transitions. For more information, please visit