Fighting food insecurity with the Oregon Food Bank

By Regence
June 18, 2019
Regence OFB volunteers

Main photo: Regence volunteers sort and package food at one of the Oregon Food Bank’s facilities

Food insecurity–defined as lacking reliable access to nutritious food–is a nationwide epidemic. Across the U.S., 40 million Americans are impacted each year. And in Oregon, one in five children lack consistent access to the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Recently, Angela Dowling, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon president, joined Oregon Food Bank CEO Susannah Morgan on the HealthChangers podcast to discuss the critical need for accessible, nutritious food. Organizations like the Oregon Food Bank are addressing immediate food insecurity while also creating a long-term solution to hunger.

“If we really are trying to end hunger, then we also have to be looking at the systems that make an un-level playing field…We also find that if we can create opportunities for people to share ideas among themselves–among people who are needing food assistance–that we often don't have to intervene ourselves,” CEO Oregon Food Bank CEO, Susannah Morgan.

Regence OFB leaders

President of Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon, Angela Dowling (pictured left), with Oregon Food Bank CEO, Susannah Morgan

Listen to their candid conversation in this episode and learn some of the creative ways that together we can fight hunger during the summer season.


Addressing social determinants of health through community partnerships

Regence is committed to addressing food insecurity, a key social determinant of health, in Oregon’s communities.

Over the past two decades, we have contributed $1.4M and over 3,650 hours of volunteer service to the Oregon Food Bank. In 2019, our partnership continues with a $20,000 donation to support FEAST, an innovative program that helps communities build resilient, local food systems.

We’ve also committed to strengthening access to fresh fruits and veggies for all Oregonians by partnering with New Seasons Market to support the Farmers Market Fund and its Double Up Food Bucks program. Look for more to come on this program in a future blog post.

Through these community partnerships, we are fighting food insecurity and helping ensure more Oregonians have access to nutritious food.
