Regence’s Nancy Kime featured in Lewiston Tribune’s Made By Us campaign

By Regence
March 23, 2020
Regence BlueShield of Idaho Made By Us employee Nancy Kime

Idaho’s Lewiston Tribune helps support the Inland Northwest’s economy by covering stories about local businesses, products and services. This includes the paper’s Made By Us campaign, which highlights homegrown leaders and organizations committed to improving our community.

Employee Nancy Kime recently appeared in a Made By Us weekly feature. A 24-year veteran of Regence BlueShield of Idaho, Nancy has taken on many roles throughout the years, including positions in the mailroom, shipping and receiving and the switchboard. She mostly recently joined forces with the Imaging department, now carrying the title of senior document specialist.

An active volunteer with the Asotin-Anatone Boosters, YWCA and the Idaho Foodbank, Nancy says she enjoys working for an organization that puts its members above all else and encourages employees to give back in their communities.

“Our communities are connected by families that support each other,” says Nancy. “I for one am proud of where I live and work!”

In her spare time, Nancy enjoys spending time in Hells Canyon, which features North America’s deepest river gorge, and in the Blue Mountains.

Dedicated to improving the health of people, communities and our state’s economy, Regence takes part in the Made By Us campaign as it connects families, providers and the broader community to coordinate the best outcomes for consumers in a strong economy.

Read more of Nancy’s story in the March 21 issue of the Moscow-Pullman Daily News and the March 22 issue of the Lewiston Tribune.

Regence is committed to educating, preparing and supporting our communities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Looking out for the health and well-being of our neighbors has been job number one for Regence BlueShield of Idaho since 1946,” says Dr. Amy Khan, Executive Medical Director of Regence BlueShield of Idaho. “That’s never been of greater importance than it is today as we work together to battle COVID-19. Ensuring you get the right care at the right time is what we do. It’s a health care pledge that’s made by us.”

Read the latest insights from our medical directors on COVID-19.
