Wirecutter recommends MDLive and Doctor on Demand for online mental health support—and both are available through Regence health plans

The New York Times Wirecutter team recently recommended MDLive and Doctor on Demand online mental health therapy.
Most Regence members have access to one of these providers for virtual care. Both offer mental health support as well as help for other non-emergency medical care.
To learn which provider is covered under your plan, sign in to regence.com and go to Covered Services, then select Resources. You can also call or chat online with Customer Service.
We’re here to help
If you or your loved one needs emotional support or mental health care, we can help you find the behavioral health care option that fits your needs. In addition to MDLive and Doctor on Demand, most of our health plans offer virtual mental health treatment options from providers such as AbleTo Therapy+, Array, Talkspace and Charlie Health . No referral is needed – you can visit the provider’s website and fill out their intake form for an appointment.
We encourage you to visit these providers’ websites or call us at the number listed on your member ID card to verify which virtual care and traditional behavioral health options are available through your health plan.